Hey dude! :D Bloody great that you're still alive. I've honestly always hoped you might come back, just to talk even (and best case scenario, drop another track for us). After hearing your music I honestly came to the conclusion that you are one of the most talented artists I've ever had the fortune to come across. Not just on NG. Period.
I listen to a LooooooooooooooooooT of music, doubly so Electronic genres- not just fluff mon ami. Hope all is well IRL, and hope to see another track. If not, drop by a line, or something like that :D
Hey dude! :D Bloody great that you're still alive. I've honestly always hoped you might come back, just to talk even (and best case scenario, drop another track for us). After hearing your music I honestly came to the conclusion that you are one of the most talented artists I've ever had the fortune to come across. Not just on NG. Period.
I listen to a LooooooooooooooooooT of music, doubly so Electronic genres- not just fluff mon ami. Hope all is well IRL, and hope to see another track. If not, drop by a line, or something like that :D